Our Children, Our Future!
“…Children are the living messages that we send to a time we will not see…” – J.F. Kennedy.
Through this program APPRECIATE ME NOW endeavors to offer our love and extend invaluable support to orphans and other vulnerable children living in established children homes, refugee camps or with their caregivers in urban slums and rural areas.
As advanced by Nelson Mandela, “…there can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”
Therefore, in an earnest bid to seal our future – our children; and treat them well, provide them with lasting hope and love that will encourage them to put their best foot forward in everything they do even when we are gone, we invite you to join us and make a difference in our children’s lives today…our future’s life!
We welcome all kinds of donations like stationery, toys, sanitary pads and other toiletries, clothing and bedding, shoes, food stuff (milk, dry grains, sugar and wheat/maize flour).
We also invite you to offer mentor-ship programs and volunteer your time in helping out with home-center chores. You can also offer your skills in whichever way that is pleasing to you.
Please contact us at info@appreciatemenow.org for more guidance on how you can actualize this. We also welcome cash donations to run this campaign.
Hey, We Appreciate You Now for moving the dial towards raising stronger, well kempt and loved children for a better future for all of us!